Friday, October 15, 2010

Internet Life

My poor blog suffered attention last month. Even though I have caught up with my posts, my attention has been on other sites. For the past few weeks I have been testing different social networks. I chose only the most popular ones so Myspace and Multiply are out. They are a dying breed. Lets start with the basics.

If you are not familiar with, god help you.

I love when I hear some one say "twitter sucks" or "what celebrity do you follow" . That means they obviously don't know how to use it, or they think its something to stalk celebrities. And if you want to use it for can. Twitter is pretty basic, its a network that lets you just share status updates. The draw is every one (almost) and every thing has a twitter. For example, you can actually "follow" (aka subscribe) the twitter account of Batman. He will tweet (the verb of using twitter) his everyday adventures. Personally I follow Stephen Colbert, its just useless quotes through the day. You would be surprised how hilarious it is to read these completely useless updates. Twitter is also useful for news. Many people follow CNN or their favorite magazine for daily updates on their favorite subjects.

Getting creative; shows like "Community" at one time gave each character a twitter account, and you could read their thoughts as you were watching the show. See a character on the show on his phone, next thing you know you receive a tweet from that character on what his opinion of the situation is. Tosh (from tosh.0) uses it for live tweets during his show. While the show airs, he will send you messages and info on where to find videos and sometimes he will even tweet to you personally. And may share your tweet on the air next episode.

Foursquare & Gowalla

There is a good chance you have never heard of either of these social networks. If you have an Iphone, Blackberry, or Andorid the apps for these networks are very popular. They are rival companies that do the same thing. You get an account, sync it to your phone and GO. When ever you are....anywhere check your app on your phone and see whats in the area. Local public places will appear as "check-in" spots for you to visit. If you go to one of the suggested area's you are rewarded! You receive points and badges for everyplace you visit, and eventually for the types of places you're often found.

Whats Fun about it?: In a way your competeing with your friends for badges and points. You Check-In to hip spots and review them. Its a pretty handy app. If you board and find yourself in downtown Miami, check one of these apps and it will tell you were the most popular "check-in" spot is. It even lets you share tips and info for each spot. For example one of the tips I found gave suggestions on secrets drinks to order that arent found on the menu. I'll admit its pretty handy.

This is a network is getting big and fast. I don't think its the next Facebook but its getting to be the next "Hip" site to join. Its pretty simple, they have mixed our favorite "blogger" with "twitter" and "Facebook". You easily can make posts from your home computer or mobile phone, and it posts it as a new entry on your tumblr page. It looks a lot like a blogger pages, the catch is your posts become more like tweets. When ever you submit a post it goes to your main dashboard wall, much like facebook. And each posts from you or your friends appear as quick conversations between you. To make it easier you can instantly check from your phone any posts at any time. Not to mention its ten times easier to use then Blogger, Facebook, and Twitter, and it looks better too.


-We all are acquainted with Facebook.

-Twitter is actually kind of fun and simple, it doesn't take to much time out of your day to use and its never really annoying like "Facebook updates".

-Gowalla and Foursquare are still new for me. Its taking me time to get use to them. I just don't feel like pushing the "Check-in" button every time I'm some where that I receive points. But they are handy for finding fun things to do and places to go.

-Tumblr is....great. Im starting to prefer it to my blogger (forgive me). Its very easy to use and and the design is so much more appealing to the eyes. Not to mention its WAY easier to share content, pictures, video, links, and just notes through your phone.

if you care to join go to My address to follow is

1 comment:

  1. Interesting review of the social networks out there. I think you are a good reviewer because you are very objective and honest about what you are reviewing. Kudos.

    I'm getting used to the tumblr thing. I need to make it look nice, but I don't have the motivation.
