Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Goodbye 2 Ode2Pizza

Ode2Pizza.blogspot.com is closing its informative doors as of today. Ode2Pizza has had a good run here on Blogger. Keeping our interested readers informed of strange but interesting facts and useless information. Ode2Pizza's first post stayed true to its promise and I hope you enjoyed all the content that was shared and discussed here.

Through the services of Tumblr.com, Ode2Pizza will now be moving its content and posts to another domain with an OFFICIAL domain name. YES there will be NEW posts every week! As well as old ones revamped with more information and content.

the official
Ode2Pizza.com is now open.

thank you for reading.....
(btw my personal blog is pizzalogic.tumblr.com)

1 comment:

  1. I'm sad, but at the same time happy that you are starting something new. Gambate kudasai!
