Ode2Pizza.blogspot.com is closing its informative doors as of today. Ode2Pizza has had a good run here on Blogger. Keeping our interested readers informed of strange but interesting facts and useless information. Ode2Pizza's first post stayed true to its promise and I hope you enjoyed all the content that was shared and discussed here.
Through the services of Tumblr.com, Ode2Pizza will now be moving its content and posts to another domain with an OFFICIAL domain name. YES there will be NEW posts every week! As well as old ones revamped with more information and content.
My poor blog suffered attention last month. Even though I have caught up with my posts, my attention has been on other sites. For the past few weeks I have been testing different social networks. I chose only the most popular ones so Myspace and Multiply are out. They are a dying breed. Lets start with the basics.
If you are not familiar with facebook.com, god help you.
I love when I hear some one say "twitter sucks" or "what celebrity do you follow" . That means they obviously don't know how to use it, or they think its something to stalk celebrities. And if you want to use it for that....you can. Twitter is pretty basic, its a network that lets you just share status updates. The draw is every one (almost) and every thing has a twitter. For example, you can actually "follow" (aka subscribe) the twitter account of Batman. He will tweet (the verb of using twitter) his everyday adventures. Personally I follow Stephen Colbert, its just useless quotes through the day. You would be surprised how hilarious it is to read these completely useless updates. Twitter is also useful for news. Many people follow CNN or their favorite magazine for daily updates on their favorite subjects.
Getting creative; shows like "Community" at one time gave each character a twitter account, and you could read their thoughts as you were watching the show. See a character on the show on his phone, next thing you know you receive a tweet from that character on what his opinion of the situation is. Tosh (from tosh.0) uses it for live tweets during his show. While the show airs, he will send you messages and info on where to find videos and sometimes he will even tweet to you personally. And may share your tweet on the air next episode.
Foursquare & Gowalla
There is a good chance you have never heard of either of these social networks. If you have an Iphone, Blackberry, or Andorid the apps for these networks are very popular. They are rival companies that do the same thing. You get an account, sync it to your phone and GO. When ever you are....anywhere check your app on your phone and see whats in the area. Local public places will appear as "check-in" spots for you to visit. If you go to one of the suggested area's you are rewarded! You receive points and badges for everyplace you visit, and eventually for the types of places you're often found.
Whats Fun about it?: In a way your competeing with your friends for badges and points. You Check-In to hip spots and review them. Its a pretty handy app. If you board and find yourself in downtown Miami, check one of these apps and it will tell you were the most popular "check-in" spot is. It even lets you share tips and info for each spot. For example one of the tips I found gave suggestions on secrets drinks to order that arent found on the menu. I'll admit its pretty handy.
This is a network is getting big and fast. I don't think its the next Facebook but its getting to be the next "Hip" site to join. Its pretty simple, they have mixed our favorite "blogger" with "twitter" and "Facebook". You easily can make posts from your home computer or mobile phone, and it posts it as a new entry on your tumblr page. It looks a lot like a blogger pages, the catch is your posts become more like tweets. When ever you submit a post it goes to your main dashboard wall, much like facebook. And each posts from you or your friends appear as quick conversations between you. To make it easier you can instantly check from your phone any posts at any time. Not to mention its ten times easier to use then Blogger, Facebook, and Twitter, and it looks better too.
-We all are acquainted with Facebook.
-Twitter is actually kind of fun and simple, it doesn't take to much time out of your day to use and its never really annoying like "Facebook updates".
-Gowalla and Foursquare are still new for me. Its taking me time to get use to them. I just don't feel like pushing the "Check-in" button every time I'm some where that I receive points. But they are handy for finding fun things to do and places to go.
-Tumblr is....great. Im starting to prefer it to my blogger (forgive me). Its very easy to use and and the design is so much more appealing to the eyes. Not to mention its WAY easier to share content, pictures, video, links, and just notes through your phone.
Its been a while since Ode2Pizza has had any new content. So to counteract this, there are 2 NEW posts (crowed cheers). You'll notice one little change to the site. The title texts are now Orange and on the right hand side you will find the new "Conan Countdown Clock". Just a few more weeks, and Conan will return. Seems like yesterday when I wrote THIS post. Until then enjoy the new Conan Promos.
Back in late 2004 one of the most successful systems of all time was released. The Nintendo DS (shown below) caught our attention as soon as our gaming hungry eyes noticed it had 2 Screens. We were even more interested when we found out the button screen was a touch screen. Well its been 6 years. Its time for Nintendo to step up its game. By now you have heard of the 3DS. A new pocket console that will make 3D glasses a thing of the past. The bottom screen like its predecessor will be a touch screen, while the top will be a new 3D screen that will not require any glasses to view. But thats just the icing of the cake, this little machine packs a whole lot into it.
3D photos: The new 3DS will include a 3D camera, that will let you take and edit 3D photos.
Augmented Reality: This seems to be the craze in gaming these days. Putting real life in games. Using the camera included in the system. Using "AR Cards", the camera will let you play games with the images your currently viewing. Its a little hard to explain, but check the video below to see for yourself.
Mii Studio: Ready to be freaked out some more? The 3DS will take photos of your face and then make a Mii character using its 3DS camera.
Tag Mode: The 3DS will go into a sleep/standby mode when not in use. So when you walk by another person that has a 3DS, it will swap information with them. Unlocking new content and adding new challengers to games. And you'll get their Mii in your very own DS Mii studio plaza.
New Web Browser: This feature sounds very useful for guides. Now you have the option of opening a web browser at any time when your playing a game. Imagine looking up Game Guides while your playing a game.
Activity Log: If the 3DS didnt take away your privacy enough, Nintendo decided to add in this little feature for you. The system will track what you do, and even how you walk with a build in pedometer.
3D slider: Dont want to play in 3D, no problem. On the side of your top screen will be a slider, that allows you to adjust how much depth you want with the 3D.
Virtual Console in 3D?: Yes much like the Wii, the 3DS will have a shop area that lets you buy old games. BUT they will be remade in 3D. No idea how this will work, so far only Gameboy and Gameboy Color games are confirmed. Face Recognition: There is a 3rd Camera included on the inside that recognizes your face, in the video below you'll notice when the player puts their face close, the NintenDogs (the dog game) will try to lick her. Its confirmed that many games will recognize who is playing. >Charging Dock: The device will include a Dock that lets you charge it when your not using it. To make things easier, while its docked, it will download new content, firmware, and demos for you to try.
Graphics and Games: There are a SLEW of games coming out for the thing. Every company wans a piece of the pie. Not to mention some very nice looking graphics that are better then the Wii itself. Check the trailer below to see them in action.
Games available for the 3DS: Samurai Warriors Chronicle, Resident Evil Revelations, Super Street Fighter IV, Dynasty Warriors Musou, Ninja Gaiden, Dead or Alive, Kingdom Hearts 3D, Chocobo Racing 3D, Super Black Bass 3D, Super Monkey Ball, Sonic, Licca-chan 3DS, Animal Crossing, Kid Icarus: Uprising, StarFox 64 3D, Steel Diver, nintendogs + cats, Mario Kart, Pilot Wings Resort, Paper Mario, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Marble Mania, Deca Sporta, Bomberman, Gundam, Super Robot, Dragonball, Pac-Man & Galaga, Ridge Racer, Harvest Moon, Professor Layton and the Mask of the Miracle, Crash-City GP, VS-robo, Class of Heroes 3D x 3D, Combat of Giants Dinosaur 3D, Ghost Recon Tactics, Splinter Cell 3D, and Driver 3D.
Now for the down side, the price point and release date. 3DS is scheduled to release in Japan in Feb and the US in March. As for as price its rumored to be $250. Which is a high to me, but we wont know until the official announcement by Nintendo.