Sunday, April 4, 2010

TOP 5: things that put me in a better mood

I have become lazy with my blog. So today I give you 2 POSTS! Since I have already posted an "informative" post. I have decided to add a new segment to Ode2Pizza. Its called "TOP 5" (its pretty obvious how it works). And for once I will post something personal (sort of). I usually refrain from putting anything personal about myself on the net, but I will let it slide! Today's top 5 is: Things that put me in a better mood:

5. READING!!!!

4. Mowtown Music

3. the Colbert Report - Move over Conan! (if you have the time watch the video, this case is actually real)
The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Easter Under Attack - Peeps Display Update
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorHealth Care Reform

2. Friends - yeah you guys are up here....AS MUPPETS! Dont worry, thats a good sign.

1. Sleep - yyyyeeeahhhh (friends are actually number 1, but I couldnt find a picture for this one, so I just decided to make it number 1 and leave it blank)

O YEAH, and this picture too:


  1. can i be that scary muppet in the hat, sunglasses, and trenchcoat...he's feakin' me out!

  2. I think he looks very similar to you that works. As long as I'm Rolf.
