Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The GIANT Isopod

With a name similar to "ipod" you would think this creature would look more welcoming. When I saw the pics I had to make him the first "Ugly Creatures" post. Here is the first problem with this thing, Isopods are usually small creatures, then you have the "Bathynomus giganteus", its nickname being "Giant Isopod".

Despite being hideous Isopods are gentle sea creatures (they can SWIM too!). They dwell in the deep waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and can be found at depth between 365 too 700 Meters.

Giant Isopods feed on dead Whales, Fish, and Squid. They sometimes prey on slow moving sea creatures like Sea Cucumbers. Sadly it is difficult for Isopods to find food, so they can last up to 8 weeks with out eating. When they do find a large supply of food, they tend to gorge themselves until the point its difficult for them to move.

Giant Isopods have an exoskeleton shell which they call curl into a ball in. All Giant Isopods are pale white, and have 2 pairs of antennas. It has several pairs of legs which include Maxillipeds, which are small legs and joints used to bring food into a Crustacean's jaw.

(This Isopod is saying one thing.....Hug Me)

(This one.....this one wants more then Hugs)


  1. brandon, you might be one of my weirdest friends...that's a compliment (and quite a feat)
    nice post.

  2. I;m officially afraid of the Atlantic Ocean
