Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The GIANT Isopod

With a name similar to "ipod" you would think this creature would look more welcoming. When I saw the pics I had to make him the first "Ugly Creatures" post. Here is the first problem with this thing, Isopods are usually small creatures, then you have the "Bathynomus giganteus", its nickname being "Giant Isopod".

Despite being hideous Isopods are gentle sea creatures (they can SWIM too!). They dwell in the deep waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and can be found at depth between 365 too 700 Meters.

Giant Isopods feed on dead Whales, Fish, and Squid. They sometimes prey on slow moving sea creatures like Sea Cucumbers. Sadly it is difficult for Isopods to find food, so they can last up to 8 weeks with out eating. When they do find a large supply of food, they tend to gorge themselves until the point its difficult for them to move.

Giant Isopods have an exoskeleton shell which they call curl into a ball in. All Giant Isopods are pale white, and have 2 pairs of antennas. It has several pairs of legs which include Maxillipeds, which are small legs and joints used to bring food into a Crustacean's jaw.

(This Isopod is saying one thing.....Hug Me)

(This one.....this one wants more then Hugs)

Monday, April 12, 2010

3D without 3D glasses?

The success of Nintendo's DS is almost sickening. As of today, there are 129 Million sold! Making it the biggest selling game console ever. Its obvious what Nintendo's strategy is: Cheap but, Innovative. Both the DS and the Wii are in no ways impressive when it comes to hardware. Both are made cheap and could barley run a Window's Application (like firefox). But no one cares or notices because the only thing we see is the Touch Screen and the Motion Controller (audience: ooooo.....aahhhh).

That brings us to Nintendo's next big ("Secret") pocket console. And yes like the post title says it displays in 3D with out using 3D glasses. They call the new system "3DS" (how creative). Below, is a video demonstrating the DSi's (NOT the 3DS) capabilities to create the illusion of 3D.

This pocket console (seen above) is not a 3D system or the 3DS, but demonstrates one trick that can be used to create a 3D environment using cameras. So just imagine what Nintendo will reveal with the actual 3DS console.

Unlike the video above, the 3D will actually pop out and feel like its right in front of you. Nintendo has yet to reveal or show any screen shots of the new 3DS. So in the mean time we are teased with that video (being only a 3D illusion using cameras).

How Does it Work?
Today movies like Avatar and Alice in Wonderland allow you to view them in 3D using seemingly clear glasses. The truth is each eye of the glasses uses a different lens. One has vertical lines while the other has horizontal. When wearing these glasses the screen you are watching will flicker between vertical and horizontal lines at an extremely fast rate. This creates the illusion of things popping out or having depth.

Think of it like a holographic sticker that looks 3D. It only looks 3D when you turn if from side to side. Thats because on the sticker the vertical and horizontal layers are overlaid. And when the sticker is moved, from certain view points, the lines shift and create the 3D effect. This is the trick the new 3DS will use (but has not been demonstrated or revealed yet). It will take the vertical and horizontal lines on the screen, and automatically flicker them at a high speed creating 3D with out 3D glasses.

What to expect: your personal pictures and TVs
The entertainment industry is already jumpy ALL over this! HDTVs will be replaced with 3D HDTVs (some are already available in stores but require glasses). Sharp has already revealed a 3D TV that doesn't require glasses. And there are already 3DTV stations. Also the photos you take with your camera will be 3D soon as well. Several companies have developed cameras that take pictures in 3D, and can be displayed in a 3D picture frame (available this holiday season).

Is 3D a gimmick? YES! The entertainment industry has been suffering, and this has made the industry considerable profit, and will continue too. Part of me is excited, because I hate 3D glasses, but another part of me is dreading the idea of all the marketing and advertising thats going to happen with TVs. I'm just hoping it doesn't become a standard like HD.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010

TOP 5: things that put me in a better mood

I have become lazy with my blog. So today I give you 2 POSTS! Since I have already posted an "informative" post. I have decided to add a new segment to Ode2Pizza. Its called "TOP 5" (its pretty obvious how it works). And for once I will post something personal (sort of). I usually refrain from putting anything personal about myself on the net, but I will let it slide! Today's top 5 is: Things that put me in a better mood:

5. READING!!!!

4. Mowtown Music

3. the Colbert Report - Move over Conan! (if you have the time watch the video, this case is actually real)
The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Easter Under Attack - Peeps Display Update
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorHealth Care Reform

2. Friends - yeah you guys are up here....AS MUPPETS! Dont worry, thats a good sign.

1. Sleep - yyyyeeeahhhh (friends are actually number 1, but I couldnt find a picture for this one, so I just decided to make it number 1 and leave it blank)

O YEAH, and this picture too:

Egg House

"Xfactoragencies" needed a new MOBILE Office. The solution? An Egg House, and its impressive. Why? Despite being small, its Roomy. And you can Sleep and Shower in it.

The Egg includes 2 entries, and it has plenty of storage space on the inside.
(I think some one is on the toilet in the back)

Comes ready with a shower, bathroom, kitchen, and even a place to sleep

(Now you too can be a common house hold item)