Sunday, March 7, 2010

Pics from the Net 2

(click images to enlarge)

Friday, March 5, 2010

For my good buddy Johnathan!!!! Not the rest of you

Just to keep you up to date Johny boy, Mega Man 10 (another retro re-release) just came out here in the states. Of course I have...obtained a copy with out the proper purchasing requirements....but who cares.

In light of the necessary release (thats right necessary, cant have to much Megaman), has made a video that only me, you, and Austin would appreciate (I know I know! You, Austin, and I. Im a computer nerd not a english major). I personally guarantee you will laugh at least once while watching it (only Johnathan, not the rest of you MegaMan hatters!...I know who you are!)

I hope it puts you in as a good of a mood, as it did for me. Couldnt help but think "John would love this" when I saw it. And I cant wait for you to get back, so we can play more Megaman, and then hate it because for some reason, the games are to $*&#$& difficult! We miss you over here, and we all await your return with anticipation!